

印第商会通过召集国际企业推动印第安纳波利斯地区的全球贸易, 增加出口, supporting foreign direct investment.

Your 公司’s Home Away From Home

When companies expand or relocate in the Indy region, 他们通常需要一个临时的办公场所,以便在实际动工之前进行实地考察或开会. 全球印第安纳商务中心在印第安纳波利斯市中心为总部设在海外的国际公司提供工作和会议空间. The Business Center provides from three to six months of access, including wraparound services to help tenants explore, 理解, launch in the Indianapolis regional market.

  • 共享办公空间
  • Conference rooms with latest technology
  • 全彩色复印机/打印机/扫描仪
  • 高速Wi-Fi和电话接入
  • 团队合作领域
  • 安全访问
参与者可以利用印第商会的银行联系网络, 房地产, 物流, 供应链, 语言/文化, 劳动力需求, 市场进入计划, 会计, 法律服务, 和市场营销.


印第商会, through a partnership with the American World Trade Chamber of Commerce, 提供电子商会盖章的产地证及出口相关文件.

Ensure your process is compliant and future proof by enabling document verification. 每一份文件的真实性都可以通过世界各地的海关通过国际商会认证链进行认证.iccwbo.org.



产地来源证是一份重要的国际贸易文件,证明某批出口货物是完全取得的, 生产, 制造, or processed in a particular country. COs also constitute a declaration by the exporter.

Millions of COs are issued every year, facilitating trade around the world. Since as early as 1898, Chambers of commerce have been issuing non-preferential COs.

1923年的《足彩推荐软件app排名》和随后的《足彩推荐软件app排名》见证了各国政府正式承认分庭在这一领域发挥的重要作用, 认为他们是签发证书的主管当局和可信可信的第三方.

事实上,世界上每个国家在确定对进口货物或产品征收关税时,都会考虑进口货物的原产地, 在某些情况下, whether the goods may be legally imported at all.

除了, COs may be needed to comply with letters of credit, 国外海关要求, 或者是买方的要求.


To setup your account:Download and complete the following form and return it to (电子邮件保护).

While you do not need to be a member to access this service, 印第商会足彩推荐软件app排名每份文件的服务费为20美元,非足彩推荐软件app排名为40美元.

If a non-electronic copy is required, it may be requested through the online portal for an additional $30 (courier cost), or at the cost of your courier of choice. Prices for additional services (listed above) can be found directly on the portal. If you would like information on non-electronic (i.e. wet-stamp) copies provided by our staff, please email (电子邮件保护).

印第商会只向市场内的足彩推荐软件app排名提供面对面的非电子服务. Those services are available on Thursdays, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm through scheduled courier drop-off/pick-up.

What happens after I submit my COA?

Once your company’s account is established, 您将收到一封欢迎电子邮件,其中包含我们的icc认证附属机构的登录信息.


这些CO/COO随后由Indy商会作为icc认可的附属机构进行认证. 您的帐户将使您能够快速生成和认证这些文件和其他文件, without the need to visit our offices in downtown Indianapolis.

通过你的账户, you will have the ability to generate: Online Chamber Certifications, Online Certificates of Origin and Arab Certificates of Origin, online document legalization requests. 如果需要审核证明或非电子(“湿戳”或“压印”)过程, your online account can be used to produce these non-electronic documents as well. 文件中的任何错误将被退回给您进行更正,不收取任何额外费用. 您还可以访问我们的海外海关当局在线证书验证工具, 银行, 以及其他相关实体.

Beyond the 产地来源证 – Legalization

某些国家, 主要是那些未签署《买足球推荐软件app排名》废除对外国公共文件的合法化要求的国家, 要求商业文件由该国的美国大使馆或领事馆合法化. 视发票金额而定, embassy fees can run into thousands of dollars in some countries, so exporters must be aware of these requirements.

最常见的需要大使馆或领事馆认证的国家包括:阿尔及利亚, 阿根廷, 巴林, 玻利维亚, 埃及, 伊拉克, 伊朗, 约旦, 科威特, 黎巴嫩, 利比亚, 阿曼, 巴拉圭, 索马里, 苏丹, 叙利亚, 卡塔尔, 突尼斯, 阿联酋和也门.

Our chamber, in partnership with AWTCC, offers this service to system users. Each document is quoted on an individual basis prior to processing. Simply request legalization service with application.


Many businesses could be exporting, but they view the process as too burdensome or don’t know where to start. 出口商准备清单包括在确定您的出口准备水平时要考虑的领域,同时也提供了对您的出口需求和能力的内部评估.


一种产品或服务在国内市场的成功是其出口成功潜力的良好指标. If your product or service is untried in the domestic marketplace, you could benefit from concentrating on domestic sales first. 同时,查看 出口的战略原因 to learn how your business might benefit from exporting.

贵公司的管理层是否致力于开发出口市场,是否愿意并能够为此投入时间和资源? Does your company have an export business plan with defined goals and strategies?

Management commitment is the number one determining factor for export success, an essential part of any export plan. Many companies begin export activities haphazardly, without carefully screening markets or options for market entry. Without an export plan, better export opportunities are often overlooked. Start by formulating a well-thought-out export strategy. 视图 我的出口计划, 研究全球市场, 选择初始市场.

贵公司是否有足够的生产能力致力于出口市场? Will financing be required for any expansion?

Can your company meet the increased demand it is creating? 可能需要更多的空间和设备来为特定的国家(通常有自己的产品标准和法规)制造产品. Financing might be needed to include any product modification costs. 看到 确定你的出口潜力 探索.


A big hurdle for many companies is market development, as it requires funds for activities such as international travel, 贸易代表团, 参加贸易展览会, 市场研究, 以及业务培训. 然而, federal 政府 export financing programs can assist. 视图 获得融资 for links to the Trade Finance Guide.

贵公司是否有能力修改成分和产品包装以满足国外进口规定, 文化的偏好, 在竞争中生存?

选择和准备出口产品既需要对产品的了解,也需要对每个目标市场的独特特征有所了解. 然而, 在交易发生之前, 您的产品可能需要修改,以满足买家的口味或在国外的监管要求. 视图 the Plan Your Market Entry Strategy video on the 如何导出视频系列.

Does your company have appropriate knowledge in shipping its product overseas, 如识别和选择国际货运代理和运费成本,以确保海外清关?

当将产品运往海外时, 注意包装, 标签, 文档, 保险要求. 也, be familiar with methods of shipping, import rules and regulations of foreign countries, 以及美国的出口法规.S. 政府. 参观 导航航运和物流 下一页开始.

你有两个U吗.S. and foreign Intellectual Property Protection for your product?

U.S. 企业应该知道,在国内保护知识产权并不能扩展到国际上, so companies should do their research first before exporting. 视图 保护你的海外知识产权.

Does your company have knowledge and experience in export payment methods, such as developing and negotiating letters of credit?

Experienced exporters have extensive knowledge of export payment mechanisms, 谨慎发放信贷, 监控老账户. 美国.S. 商业服务国际足彩推荐软件app排名(ICP)为信用检查提供关键信息. 看到 付款方式 页面和 获得出口咨询 为指导.

Does your company have knowledge and 理解ing of U.S. 出口管制和合规?

Check to see if your product might require an export license, particularly if your product has military or dual military/civilian use. 有几个U.S. 监管不同类别产品许可要求的政府机构. 访问 U.S. 出口规定.

International 业务发展 资源

Global Indy为从未考虑过进入世界市场或需要一点帮助才能开始运作的区域公司提供资源. 它还为国际企业提供了一个与主要利益相关者接触的平台, tap into a network of globally focused partners to grow and succeed.





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